‘Tmoney GO’ app launched
‘Tmoney onda’ app launched
Changed company name to ‘Tmoney’
Demonstrated & exhibited solutions at UITP* Stockholm 2019 (*Union Internationale des Transports Publics)
Designated as solution provider for C-ITS Pilot Project by SMG
‘Mobile Korea Tour Card’ app launched
‘Intercity Bus Mobile’ app records 5 million downloads
‘Integrated Booking System for Express Bus’ open
Bangkok, Thailand BMTA Bus AFC Supply
Wellington, New Zealand Bus AFC 2nd supply
Designated as pilot project manager for ‘Coinless Society’ by the Bank of Korea
Designated as ‘Integrated Booking System’ provider for Incheon airport
Intercity Bus Mobile Service open
TmoneyPay service open
Melaka, Malaysia bus AFC system contract signed
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Transport card System(USCC) open
Tmoney Taxi app open
‘Express bus E-Pass System’ open
Affiliate service for Alipay open
Kualar Lumpur, Malaysia ‘Project Management Consultancy’ contract signed
Nationwide interoperable card service open
Korail fare settlement service contract signed
‘Mobile Tmoney’ app records 6 million downloads
Seoul bus BMS contract signed
Bangkok, Thailand ‘Program Management Service’ consultancy contract signed
Mobile Tmoney Postpaid billing service open
Bogota, Colombia BRT ‘Transmilenio’ product supply
KSCC Won A Contract For KSPO(Korea Sports Promotion Foundation) Entrance Fee Payment System
KSCC selected as Seoul TOPIS Bus Information System provider
World's Best Software (WBS) consortium selected
Malaysia CBTS project provider
Tmoney Settlement System certified by ISO
International Taxi (Foreign Tourist Taxi) open
Mobile Tmoney Service Open
New Zealand Transportation Card System Service open
Tmoney Taxi payment service open
Internet/Online Tmoney service open
Grand Opening of Seoul New Transportation System